The News of La Gazette Des Arts No. 34-35 of july-august, 2016

As everybody knows, the summer period is synonymous with relaxation but also with thinking. That time that is an invitation to an escape takes us to the discovery of what’s making cultural news that we have the pleasure to present to you, with complete peace of mind, away from the tumult of our ordinary range of daily events.

In its edition of july-august, La Dépêche de la Gazette des Arts guides you, through its Schedule, on the paths of exciting meetings, in France and internationally... Not to be missed, to brighten up your holidays, in Les bons plans de la Dépêche !

Du côté des artistes pays tribute to talented creators, keen on the past like Thierry Robert, or carrying us away on the borders of a pure and sincere emotion with Sophie Sala. While the Bilbao’s Guggenheim questions the public, displaying the exhibition Cellules, the psyche of Louise Bourgeois. A surprising course to meditate in Echo de Psyché... Also noteworthy a reflection about the extra-psychic and the shadow of the ghosts during a period when man feels less sure of himself. Let’s continue with Actualité du marché de l’Art which looks, not at the work of Gustave Klimt, whose 150th anniversary of birth is celebrated, he who remains the highest rated artist in the world... But at the strategy run by international firms which exploit his creation, up to madness. Then in another vein, let’s get a close-up of the African market considered, in more ways than one, as the new Eldorado, for contemporary Art. Finally let’s finish with a reading break full of enjoyment, in Le coin du Bibliophile !

Happy holidays to you all !
Sincerely Yours !
Georges LEVY


Les bons plans de la Dépêche

The anthology, this year, is to go back to the basics of the history of Art. Great figures who marked that century. Therefore our agenda offers you a course made of crushes, discoveries and major events.

The Capitale thus invites you to the Paul Klee retrospective at the Centre Pompidou. Then in another vein, a tribute to that emblematic figure that was Charles Darwin, at the Cité des Sciences.

Let’s move forward in the province, to celebrate the art of Morris, the 70th anniversary of Lucky Luke at the Cité internationale de la bande dessinée in Angoulême. Noteworthy at the musée des Beaux-Arts of Caen, the journey Sur un monde en ruines... Exhibit of an aesthetics of desolation, of scenes of lamentation... Extremely topical ! Not to be missed the work all made of roundness by colombian Fernando Botero at the musée Würth in Erstein.

Then on the Mediterranean shore, the surrealist vision of Ernst and Tanguy at the musée Paul Valéry in Sète. A little dreams at the musée de la Parfumerie of Grasse with De la belle époque aux années folles. A turn of the century where the area flourishes in a sense. At last at the Centre culturel de la Malmaison in Cannes, Salvador Dali ou l’ ivresse des rêves.

La Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016La Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016

La Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016

Let’s escape abroad, with Francis Bacon, Monaco et la culture française at the Grimaldi Forum. While in the Middle East, with more than 200 museums, Israel holds, worldwide, the highest number of institutions per inhabitant... Let’s observe a few programmes for the season 2016 - 2017 ! The yearning of myth presented at Haifa museum of Art is an exhibition about the importance of the mythological scene in the modern and contemporary Israeli creation. To continue with the smallest Bible in the world. A nano chip the size of a grain of sand, on which the whole Bible is entered, in Hebrew.

La Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016

La Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016

La Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016


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Du coté des artistes...

The lyrical creation of Sophie Sala

Playful characters, a smile on their face, having an appetite for life, without limit... The work of Sophie Sala is a farandole towards which everyone feels attracted.

The music, the words that stand out of it are there to transcribe a happy, peaceful atmosphere... Representing a die-hard optimism !

Because for the artist singer/songwriter, the metaphor is essential to understand the existence. That is a catalyst which bears the ferments of hope, chases darkness and chaos. Therefore a writing open to Elsewhere which, with Sophie Sala, is constantly evolving. An initiatory journey in which the spectator is committed to face reality, with another look, thus giving him the opportunity to go further.

The choice of warm colours makes her palette buzzing with energy. By their truth and their frankness, they create a new relation to the world. Without a mask or artifice, her paintings are simply available to us, to make us discover what part of mystery, hidden messages they have, way beyond appearances. Art is a language, a word, an act that we have to decrypt.

It’s up to us, there, to get in the game, to open the gate of a maze whose exit is lost in the mists of poetry and

La Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016


When Thierry Robert reinterprets history

Sophisticated, of unparalleled precision, by a gesture that will make change the course of history... The work of Thierry Robert looks at posterity, which can have an effect on you. A slim silhouette in a flowing dress seeming to forget the murder of a Marat lying in his hip bath... Under the inspiration of the artist, Charlotte Corday affirms herself with courage, free at last facing other mornings. Or again, that Mona Lisa, showing her breast, symbol of the woman of our mutant century... A central figure for the creator, to whom aesthetics remains the key word of a system, without which man cannot exist.

A sharing, an emotion that he finds in many authors, notably in the Surrealists among which Dali remains the mark and of whom he was largely inspired. An erratic way that he has kept, giving to his works its own reading. Seduced by the syncretism of Cesar Santos, of whom he pulls out the beauty of mixings and their fabulous speech.

In reconstituting history like a jigsaw puzzle, with his own style, Thierry Robert enjoys seeing the direction shape up like the shadow of a show offered to him.

Everything is evocation in his work, irony of fate, challenge against the passing of time and that leaves us disarmed facing the struggle.

The Elsewhere, dreaming, fantasy or comedy are his battle horses, that give to his palette, all the fire we know about it.

Site :

La Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016


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Echo de Psyché

Cells : structures of existence or the thematic essay of Louise Bourgeois

The exhibition presented in Bilbao, until september 4th, relates a misunderstanding, a tension, the exhortation of a Freudian unconscious which manipulates her work, brings to it monumental, tortured, monstrous dimensions.

The visitor is startled by those strengths which emerge from cells having multiple appearances. Product of her everyday life, of her obsessions, oscillating between nightmare and hope, between claustrophobia and desire to escape.

From the heart of tied childhood up to excess, the work of the artist seems to go back in time, the walk of the memories that haunt her, constituting a terror that she tries to exorcize to control it.

The role played by the affects is then of crucial importance, throughout her course. They evolve within metamorphosis which release or oppress.

Art and life are inextricably linked, caught up in the momentum of the depths of Louise Bourgeois’ spirit.

A work that remains brilliant and unique and that we always enjoy contemplating.

La Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016


Higher power, where are you ?

The universe is dual... Facing the rationality in science, a speech engages, in which the interest for alternative shapes of relation to the world triumphs. The development of techs is itself a favourable movement of reappropriation of magic, unexplained, mythological phenomenons.

The exhibition presented at the Gaîté Lyrique just went into that mention of supernatural forces, taking the form of ghosts and other spirits which surround us.

La Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016


Actualité du marché de l’Art

Klimt : the undisputed success

Most highly-rated artist in the world, the portrait of Adele Bloch Bauer II was sold for a sum nearby 67 million euros at Christie’s in 2006... Gustav Klimt, whose 150th anniversary of birth is celebrated, never ceases to generate fervor and enthusiasm on a market exploiting an outstanding work.

Vienna pays a glowing tribute to him, in more than ten museums. His work is omnipresent over a platform in bad taste sometimes, he who was at the same time revered and condemned for his art that he defined as free of any morals. The will of the artist being to incorporate the Beautiful, in all aspects of life, not establishing any hierarchy between painting, sculpture, mosaic, architecture, fashion and objects of daily use.

La Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016


Africa : a booming artistic scene !

The market of african art is in vogue. In Africa, as in other parts of the world, some cutural and commercial events are being set up to go with this growing power.

AKAA (Also Known As Afrika), a fair dedicated to contemporary art and design focused on Africa.

Africa will be the guest of honour at Art Paris Art Fair in 2017.

Sotheby’s capitalises on it. The auction house has decided to launch, as early as next year sales of african contemporary art in London.

La Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016


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Le coin du bibliophile

La Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016Fleur de mort

MA Graff
Editions Ramses VI
18 euros






La Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016Le pavé Coluche

Pensées, blagues et anecdotes de Coluche
Edition Collector - Cherche Midi
19.90 euros






La Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016Johnny Halliday, Rêve noir

Renaud Corlouër
Editions Cherche Midi
59 euros






Brassens... à la lettreLa Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016

Chloé Radiguet
Préface de Georges Moustaki
Editions Denoël
23.35 euros







Venise entre les lignesLa Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016

Editions Denoël
19.95 euros










Découvrir ToutankhamonLa Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016

De Howard Carter à l’ADN
Zahi Hawass
Editions du Rocher
39 euros





Mémoires de Balthus recueillies par Alain VircondeletLa Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016

Editions du Rocher
8.50 euros









La Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016Tombouctou vivra

Roman de Marcel Cassou
Editions l’Harmattan
13.30 euros







La Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016Seine de crimes

Morts suspectes à Paris 1871-1937
Philippe Charlier
Editions du Rocher
19.90 euros





JR : L’art peut-il changer le monde ?La Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016

Joseph Remnant
Editions Phaidon
49.95 euros







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La Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016

La Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016

La Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016

La Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016

La Dépêche de la Gazette Des Arts N°34-35 du 10 août 2016